From The Spirit of Saab, Rolf Bleeker, page 99: Monogamy During the introduction of the 99, 900 and 9000 in the USA, Saab had the same problem as with all Saabs right back to the Saab 96. Nobody believed the newest model was a true Saab. Above all there were complaints from the dealers. Just six months after the release of the 99, pleading letters with the following request were arriving at Saab's US headquarters: "Please tell the Swedes to send us the 96 again! Our customers want the 96 and not the 99." Saab drivers believed in faithfulness and monogamy. Their love of "their" car was strong, so strong in fact, that even the attractions of a new beauty could not persuade them otherwise. To this day the tradition still exists, and will no doubt carry forth with future Saabs to come.